Now this is what I'm talking about!!! Compound moves, working different muscle groups at once...not that this doesn't happen every other day. This workout is everything that I was hoping it would be and more. Fast paced, 7 compound moves, and more lunges and squats to make sure your legs realize it's not a rest day yet! It was nice to finally have a day that didn't involve jumping around, however it certainly doesn't give up on your butt and legs, nor should it. You will feel every single part of your body after this workout, and if you don't, then you did something wrong.
I've used many of these compound moves in my personal training sessions, primarily because I love working with lighter weights, but total body movement. Autumn guides you through each move at her quick pace, but the combination tightens and tones every single part of your body. My favorite move from this workout was definitely the Half Moon Curtsy because you can feel the burn in your shoulders and all around your legs, and you're only holding a light weight.
My nutrition this day was on my Extreme Eating Plan which allowed for increased carbs and fruits, which was totally necessary given I was working the bar at night. I ate some of my left over Oat n' Cashew Cakes, and also had some of my Egg Muffins. I did end up having two servings of Shakeology on this day, as I'm not able to eat behind the bar. Next time this happens though, I am going to start my morning with something other than my shake (say egg whites and oatmeal), so that I'm only drinking one shake a day. There is always a relief on these Extreme Eating Plan days, as I'm not so focused on proteins, and I am able to have extra sugars and carbs in my diet.
At this time, my weight had decreased to 143.7 lbs, my Body Fat % had decreased to 28% and my muscle mass had increase to 31.3%. All great numbers as far as I'm concerned, especially since I didn't feel like I had a lot of weight to lose, and I am really focused on my muscle gain. It's very exciting to think that in 6 days, you can have these kind of results if you stay dedicated to your nutrition and exercise.
I love, love, love, love. I feel that every workout routine, including my one-on-one's with clients should include a yoga day. This workout moves quickly, but touches on everything from moving vinyasas, isometric holds, and balance postures. Autumn touches on every part of yoga that you possibly could do with only thirty minutes. I also have to say, that for once, I felt a little further along than her. Although I couldn't do the really advanced postures, I was stronger throughout, more balanced, and felt more confident than she did. I'm not sure if she typically teaches yoga, but it was nice to not feel like I was falling short on every aspect of my fitness routines.
I knew that I was going to be using my legs and butt, obviously, so I was prepared to feel an extreme burn again. However, the amount of stretching and holding that she has you do, really does help the recovery of your lower body muscles. This isn't to say that I didn't feel any burn, but it was a bearable burn that was also stretching and strengthening my muscle groups. This workout is entirely warranted after the week of slaughter on your body, and IT IS NOT THE WORKOUT TO SKIP!!! This seems very important to state, as this is the only day that you're really going to feel some recovery if you've been staying on schedule and attacking your workouts.
My favorite move from this workout is definitely Wheel, mostly because when I started Yoga three years ago, I never thought I'd be able to do it, especially with a leg lift. Although Autumn doesn't do the leg lift that I show here in the video, I did add it into my workout to make the move a little more difficult. If it's too difficult for you, then just keep both of your feet on the ground!
Nutritionally, I had to focus on what I'd be eating all day, and eat at certain times as I was working behind the bar again. This meant stacking proteins at the beginning of my day because I wouldn't be able to eat behind the bar past 4 o'clock. I planned accordingly, ate eggs, egg muffins, haddock, veggies, and all my fats, outside of the 1/4 avocado I put in my Shakeology for 'dinner'.
I also took this day to prep for my travel on Monday. I was leaving for Florida the next day, and having quite a panic attack on what I was going to eat while I was traveling, as I was also going to be dependent upon what was offered at the resort. I'll fill you in on how I did with this on the following days blogs. At the end of the first week (7 days), my Weight had dropped from 148.4 lbs. to 143.5, my Body Fat had dropped from 29.1% to 27.8%, and my Muscle Mass had increased from 30.8% to 31.4%. All of these numbers are so huge to me, as they are indications of all the hard work and focus. If they had only moved a little, I would have still been happy, but seeing this much progress w
as totally motivational. As I was working this whole weekend, and traveled the following days, I wasn't able to do progress photos, but will provide some from week 2 for sure!
Remember, if you want to try ANY Beachbody program, including this 21-Day Fix Extreme, you can order it through me right HERE! For ordering through me you will also receive an additional FREE DVD, Don't miss out!