Sunday, January 13, 2013

P90X Certification Weekend = Ass Whooping Now Offered at Your Gym!

I'll openly admit that I over train.  There's probably not a Personal Trainer in the field who can honestly say that they don't.  I personally don't teach classes right now, but with or without classes, I've found that Personal Trainers tend to be the type of people who love to kick your ass, and their own.  They want to find boundaries, and push them to the absolute limit.  Call us sadistic.  It is what it is. This over training surely did not stop any of us in our certification class from going all out in our one hour workout at the very beginning of our scheduled weekend.

As I was in my first thirty minutes of my P90X Certification this weekend with my instructor Brian Sweeney encouraging me to do Frog Burpees, and this is after my Plyocide workout on the previous day, I realized that sometimes, we do need a little surrounding "competition" to push us a little further.  I work out to extremes every single workout that I put in.  I never dog, I never half ass, and I NEVER quit.  That being said, I have probably never executed Jump Knee Tucks like I did that day, nor have my Frog Burpees ever reached that kind of height at my house.

I point this out because I have often said that I don't really understand why people pay for gym memberships when they can work out at home.  I understand that they do, and for many it is necessary or else I wouldn't have gone into Personal Training, but I personally couldn't relate.  I now know that sometimes being pushed by someone bigger and better, with other people watching you, makes you dig deeper, push harder, and makes you give an all out effort that you didn't even know that you had.

So I retract my previous statements about needing to attend a gym.  I won't join one myself, and I don't think it's necessary to achieve great result or maintain and stay in shape, but every once in a while, when you're feeling bored, and you're feeling like your workouts have become repetitive, there's nothing quite like getting together with other people who share the same goal, and like kicking each other's asses.  

I LOVE BEACHBODY.  There I said it, AGAIN.  Here's this company that gives us structured programs that allow us to get super fit in our homes, gives us nutrition guides so that we can learn to eat right, and then let's us enter contests to win money for getting fit and healthy.  And, if you don't win the money, so what?  You've regained your health, learned to eat right, and you probably feel better than you ever have before (and you do get a free t-shirt for just entering your results, so hooray!).  AND NOW, they're offering us training so that those of you who just can't find your own motivation, who need a group setting, who need someone to tell you to jump, push, squat and v-up can also see the changes that are achievable with P90X.  Show up, follow the program, put in the work, and get the reward: a better body, life, emotional state, and overall happiness.  So no matter what your favorite avenue, we're here to offer it for you.  So what's your excuse now?  Just decide how you want your ass whooping, and we'll give you an option!

I love you guys.  Keep moving.  Keep strong.  PUSH PLAY EVERY DAY!!!


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