Monday, March 16, 2015

21-Day Fix Extreme: The Final Week

I can understand now, why people do several rounds of the original 21-Day Fix. Once you head into week three, you really start to understand how the whole food and work out combination start to affect your body. I was feeling much stronger with all of my workouts, and I had gotten into a routine with my food. I will say that I will probably never go back to eating that much fish and asparagus, no matter what. As much as I like cod and haddock, I just cannot eat it three times a day for several days in a row. However, it is nice to know that by tightening up your diet so extremely, you can get unbelievable results.

I really noticed my physical gains the first day of week three with Plyo Fix Extreme. This was probably the hardest workout for me when I first started the program. It's an extreme amount of jumping and if your legs aren't very toned, it can be very difficult. Getting through this workout made it really evident of the gains that I had made over the last two weeks. I had decided at the end of week 2 that I was going to extremely tighten up my diet until the end of week 3. However, as the week went on I realized that I needed a day where I could eat more carbs and add some fruit. It is as though you can feel your body screaming for extra carbohydrates. And when I did eat them, I certainly noticed the difference in my energy levels, and my workouts. There is definitely a reason why you need to insert a couple days out of the week with an increased sugar intake and increase carbohydrate intake.

I will say, that week three is the week that you will notice your most gains. Even though I didn't drop any weight, according to my scale, I definitely saw some real muscle tone poking through the little bit of fat I had left on my body. I wasn't sure what my total gains were going to be at this point, and I also wasn't sure how my pictures were going to turn out.  I was positive though, that I was going to see some serious gains because of how my body felt. I was stronger and I knew it.

Food at this point really did not vary at all after two weeks of eating the same things. There was no need to feel like I need to reinvent the wheel in week three. It was more important for me to stay on track and make sure that I made it through this entire week on schedule, and with my food exactly as it had been over the last two weeks. In reference to doing more than one round, it was at the beginning of this week that I realized I knew I was going to end up doing this program for another 21 days. Although I was getting a chemical peel, which does not allow me to work out for 48 hours, I would take one full day off and make sure that I got back on track as soon as I possibly could.

These workouts have been more efficient, and I have seen more results in 21 days, than I had with some 3 month programs.  A huge amount that has to do with the fact that I tightened my diet up as much as I did. I do truly believe that each and every program has amazing results, but these workouts combined with this diet plan, certainly helps even the most overweight and out of shape person stay focused on their diet and nutrition in a far easier fashion then any other program with which I have worked . Energy levels have increased, muscle tone has increased, and my overall general attitude was extremely high. Typically in this time of year, with winter in New England it can be difficult to be motivated, but knowing this program is only 21 days made it a lot easier to commit to every day when I woke up. The more loss and gains that you see, the more motivated you are to complete the 21 days. It really wasn't until the end of the week when I took my after pictures that I was completely blown away by the gains that I had made in the short amount of time. Anyone who actually does this, take their pictures, and  track all their food, will realize how amazing this program is. It will motivate you to do 2, 3, or four rounds just to see how far you can go.

That being said, I did miss dinners out with my boyfriend, and making lasagna, but the results that I had always been looking for were right around the corner, and these are easy sacrifices to make for what I wanted. I think it's important to stress that here. It is about what our goal is, and what we are trying to achieve. We are willing to sacrifice so much for so many other things in our life, but when it comes to our own health and fitness we so often push it aside. If you want to get in the best shape of your life it takes focus, commitment, time, and the mindset of knowing that you're going to complete this, and go as far as you can until you get as far as you can. It is certainly not a lifestyle you can live on forever, eating fish and very little carbs, however it will get you as close to this goal of definition and muscular build as you can possibly get. Especially if you dedicate yourself 100% to the program

I am excited here to share with you the results that I have gotten from this 21-Day Fix Extreme program over just 21 days. My chest was smaller, my arms were more toned, my abs defined, and my butt lifted at least 2 inches, and my thighs had lost almost an inch on both sides.
My beginning measurements were as follows:

Chest: 36.5"
Waist: 32"
Hips: 39"
Arms: 11.5"
Thighs: 22.75"

Weight: 148.4 lbs.
Body Fat: 29.1%
Muscle Mass: 30.8%

My final measurements are 21-days are as follows:

Chest: 35"
Waist: 30.5"
Hips: 36.5"
Arms: 11"
Thighs: 22"

Weight: 143 lbs.
Body Fat: 26.5%
Muscle Mass: 32%

My dream has always been to get in the 130's with my weight, but I'm realizing that this may not be a realistic goal with my build and body.  That being said, I couldn't be more thrilled with the results that I have gotten.  Most important, this program has retrained my mind on how much time you need to dedicate to your workouts (not as much as I had been previously), and how prepared you need to be when it comes to nutrition.  After two weeks, I didn't really need to think as much about what to prep and cook, and I wasn't missing the way that I felt after eating crap.  That's not to say that I didn't immediately have a cheat day when I finished the program, but I certainly felt like crap after I ate everything I wanted to.

I hope that this inspires you to make the necessary changes in your life.  Whether it's with a Beachbody program, a personal trainer, or a nutritionist, if you want big changes in  the way you look and feel, then you need to make big changes in your life.  I have continued to eat on my Competition Meal Plan for the most part, and still work out daily.  This is something that can never change if I want to keep improving my strength and losing any excess fat.

I'll leave you with this picture, taken from four years ago when I started P90X, but before I quit drinking.  You can change your life, you just need to decide to do it!

If you're interested in trying any of our Beachbody workouts, or need advice on nutrition and exercise, please contact me at: 



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